Wednesday, 13 September 2017

Licence to screw our way through New Zealand

Seems my polite, logical and persistent manner worked a treat!Cristina now has a 3 year multiple entry Visitors VisaTime to plan the celebration (s)_ Francoise:It’s been almost a week and I haven’t heard anything from him.(11 September 2017) Francoise:I felt like I was making most of the effort, starting almost every conversation between us, so I stopped [...]

Im in a relationship with my first boyfriend im 18 and me and him argue i call him serveral times and i cant help it..... he will reject my calls wanting to take a break from me for the night and block my number.
(10 September 2017)

My dad or mom dont act the way i do.
(10 September 2017)

Help us choose a name??
(10 September 2017)

Which one of these do you like best and why?
(10 September 2017)

We are expecting a boy and we've come up with a top four list but can't decide on which one.
(10 September 2017)

Can I ask a girl out for the second time, if she already rejected me once?
(10 September 2017)

I plan on waiting until christmas of this year or next so I can give her a gift or something that we can talk about.
(10 September 2017)

Its now a year later and I wan't to try again, but I dont know if I should and how.
(10 September 2017)

I pulled the trigger way too early without ever exchanging more than 5 sentences.
(10 September 2017)

The best part was there was no competition for her.
(10 September 2017)

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