Sunday, 3 September 2017

March Mad-ass

Hello all,,i usually cam around noonish,,say hello teddy_ Noreen:I am a 16 year old guy and there is this girl who is a younger sister of my friend (who is also a girl). The girl I like is a year younger than me and and I don’t know how to get her attention.(3 September 2017) Providencia:Whats your [...]

I need help understanding my boyfriends mood swings?
(1 September 2017)

Some background on him his mother used to be a drug addicted and a year ago she tried killig her self ... he himself struggled with a cocain addiction.
(1 September 2017)

He hasn t broken up with me , but he s having another moody cycle and I don t know what to do anymore it really makes me sad.
(1 September 2017)

It s repeated cycles of this for 7 months.
(1 September 2017)

Nothing I do makes it better... then a couple of weeks later he ll be happy again and normal.
(1 September 2017)

He just seems like a completely different person.
(1 September 2017)

Or kiss . He gets annoyed if I ask questions about his feelings.
(1 September 2017)

For a few weeks everything is great he s in a good mood, he s loving, he s involved ... then after awhile one morning he ll wake up and just be quiet and sad and distant , he doesn t want to talk or cuddle.
(1 September 2017)

Anyway, he broke up with me twice.... and it always just comes out of no where.
(1 September 2017)

I ve known my boyfriend since childhood , but we only really started dating about 7 months ago.
(1 September 2017)

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