Tuesday, 5 September 2017

Spread Your Legs Baby.

I will really if you really want me to. naughty ogether. All you have to do is ask me to spread my legs, and if there are enough of you who want me to do it, I will share my really wide spread pics w_ Jeanie:Her other uncle died last month her grandma died last year [...]

Can two people in love be friends?
(3 September 2017)

Like I wanna know about his day I wanna talk to him everyday have conversations with him I just don't want the jealousy, trust issues, controlling stuff u know?
(3 September 2017)

I m not physically attracted to my boyfriend?
(3 September 2017)

Also I have a feeling that my roommates don t like him.
(3 September 2017)

But I just don t feel my heart racing when I look at him or do intimate things with him.
(3 September 2017)

The thing is I love his personality and humor and affection.
(3 September 2017)

I ve always had a type and he isn t it.
(3 September 2017)

He s not ugly, and actually some of the people I know think he s handsome, but I can t nessecarily see it.
(3 September 2017)

I feel really bad because I m just not physically attracted to my boyfriend.
(3 September 2017)

How often should a person leave the house?
(3 September 2017)

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