Thursday 7 September 2017

The highs and lows

I’ve been on this site now for a couple of months and I am having some fun with the guys I’ve met. I just wish that it was easier to find guys willing to do group and threesomes. I like one on one and_ Nicky:I even remember that my brother & I ( hes two years [...]

What should I say to him to make him realize he should stay away from me?
(5 September 2017)

He has no reason to be talking to me.
(5 September 2017)

He thinks he's funny and says unnecessary rude things to me(I'm a girl btw). I just want to make him look stupid that's it.
(5 September 2017)

Why do girls think it's so awful to date a short guy?
(5 September 2017)

I just don't get why most girls think it is so god awful to date a shorter guy because we can't help being short and I would say almost all short guys wish they could be taller.
(5 September 2017)

So I'm 22 years old and only 5'5. I recently started dating this girl who is about 5'7 so I'm a bit shorter than her but it doesn't bother her at all that she's taller than me.
(5 September 2017)

Do guys like jealous girlfriends?
(5 September 2017)

What to do about a 2yr. that has stopped drinking milk?
(5 September 2017)

I did get a like bit or Oreo milk down her today but very little.
(5 September 2017)

She want take cows, soy, or almond.
(5 September 2017)

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