Saturday 30 September 2017

the Symposium: invite your friends …. (5-B&B)

The next Symposium will be opening up for voting within several days so, if you have a topic suggestion, please send it to Humorlife. thanks … xx A. [image]If you ever have a topic suggestion, ple_ Lecia:This is really a question for older women that have dated younger men.(29 September 2017) Lecia:The age difference doesnt bother me [...]

In my head I tell myself if she loved me she d accept me for who I am, I mean I m willing to change some things but tv has always been a big part of my life that I thoroughly enjoy.
(27 September 2017)

Idk I feel like crap cuz she says that if I loved her I d give up things that bothered her.
(27 September 2017)

Like things I enjoy watching, and in my head if I concede in the tv watching then what else will there be where I m left with a choice either her or whatever.
(27 September 2017)

I guess technically I chose tv but it s not that simple for me, it come down to I think she wants to change me in ways I don t want to change.
(27 September 2017)

One of my favorite shows, she basically gave me a choice, her or the vile, horrible shows I watch that she doesn t and never will.
(27 September 2017)

So ive had this question in my head for awhile does handsome actually mean ugly?
(27 September 2017)

What can I do so my friend forgives me?
(27 September 2017)

She ignored my apology so I just left the convo(this is all online). Ever since we've been very cold to each other, not really speaking, but I don't want this to continue.
(27 September 2017)

I saw she was annoyed, so even though I still don't think I did anything wrong I apologised.
(27 September 2017)

We were both upset about things that had happened in the past week, both kind of petty.
(27 September 2017)

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