Friday 29 September 2017


More general mix or one sidedShall blogging be more sexual or general or mixed_ Delcie:Also he doesn’t upfront say we aren’t in a relationship.(28 September 2017) Fallon:Does this person like me? or am I in the friend zone?(28 September 2017) Sharell:My friend always dates black guys?(28 September 2017) Bethann:Im dating this guy but I have no feelings?(28 September 2017) Bethann:Don’t [...]

Looking back, I wished I would have given it a better chance.
(26 September 2017)

I lived in a dorm but spent a lot of time alone or going home on the weekends.
(26 September 2017)

For me recently, and this may sound trivial, but I regret not enjoying my time in college.
(26 September 2017)

I am genuinely curious as to what people regret in their lives.
(26 September 2017)

Losing virginity casually or in a relationship?
(26 September 2017)

Obviously you can't make the decision for me but it would be nice to get some advice from people about how they lost yours and what's the best idea they feel.
(26 September 2017)

So I suppose I'm asking if I should potentially have sex with these girls or save myself for someone special?
(26 September 2017)

But life doesn't always work like that.
(26 September 2017)

I suppose have a relationship, when it ends sleep around for a bit, then special relationships again.
(26 September 2017)

The idea in my head was always to lose my virginity with someone I really liked but I'm also interested in casual sex.
(26 September 2017)

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