Saturday 2 September 2017

Wednesdays 2-3-2016

Picture of Wednesday night 2-03-2916_ Pauletta:I have heard talk that there is some vaping going on, but I have heard that from adults, so who knows if they know the truth about kids and there illicit activities.(1 September 2017) Pauletta:When I was a teen it was cigarettes and the usual alcohol and marijuana consumption.(1 September 2017) Pauletta:They usually [...]

What are some things to say to a guy?
(30 August 2017)

What's to talk about, and where to start?
(30 August 2017)

He is in band, but you're not so educated with it.
(30 August 2017)

You both are aware of each other and see one another on a daily basis(can be a little intimidated by him)but he speaks to you when you're walking close.
(30 August 2017)

Is it bad to feel angry and sad about your parents divorce even thought it could be a lot worse?
(30 August 2017)

Everytime i think about it I get all welled up and mad but i realize it could be a lot worse like only having one parent or being disabled or something those lines.
(30 August 2017)

How to make friends as a new sophomore?
(30 August 2017)

How long would I have after the court date to leave?
(30 August 2017)

I brought food into the house and established residency.
(30 August 2017)

My question is, if I can prove to the judge the poor living situation, the verbal abuse and that I was told I did not have to pay rent.
(30 August 2017)

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