Sunday 3 September 2017

Why do I even ask?

Why do we ask questions we might not like the answers to? I must say I am guilty of that on occasion, and tonight was one of those times.I was chatting tonight with the friend I saw last week. I consi_ Cordelia:However, I only added him to the chat since I recently moved and I wanted [...]

Ever since I was young my mother has always got frustrated with me crying.
(31 August 2017)

All of the girlfriends that i have had got sick?
(31 August 2017)

All the girlfriends that i have had started out completely healthy but after some time they get health issues that worsen over time.
(31 August 2017)

What should I do about her son?
(31 August 2017)

I got with this 45-year old woman for casual sex - now her son's threatening to stab me.
(31 August 2017)

He has driven me to severe depression, what are the motives behind his behavior?
(31 August 2017)

So yet again I opened up to him about my feelings and he told me he felt nothing for me.
(31 August 2017)

I had moved on at that point but it all came flooding back when he said that.
(31 August 2017)

He told me he thought of me often after that he missed me.
(31 August 2017)

He never met her before, he just knew we worked together.
(31 August 2017)

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