Friday 6 October 2017

All ways pleasure filled pussy cum filled

cum filled for ccum all aftternoon is always fun time_ Sherlyn:When I tried to talked to him about it, he said that I got him used to not have sex.(3 October 2017) Sherlyn:Still I try to touch and caress him and he rejects me saying he is tired.(3 October 2017) Sherlyn:It s really hard for me to think [...]

Serious help needed with my relationship having to do with communication face to face?
(3 October 2017)

I have to ask a lot of questions or else we barely talk.
(3 October 2017)

We'll maybe try to talk about something and it ends up being a short conversation because we didn't have much to say about it. it's stressful because I know she can talk hours on end with her friends and so can I but with me she barely talks.
(3 October 2017)

We're also both a bit introverted ans shy but I've been able to grow out of it a bit.
(3 October 2017)

We both haven't had the proper time to get to know each other but we both like similar things and are interested in learning about the other more.
(3 October 2017)

So me and my girlfriend have been dating for while and although it's been going well in terms of affection and liking each other, we both seem to have trouble talking with the other in person.
(3 October 2017)

Want to apply no contact with ex to get her back?
(3 October 2017)

I'm wondering why is she so up and down I miss her like crazy being that our annaversiy is tomorrow and I'm applying the no contact again.
(3 October 2017)

I contacted her a couple of days before our anniversary and she seemed happy but when I told her I'll talk to her later because I'm out with friends have a good day tomorrow she replied back with bye dude.
(3 October 2017)

After that we didn't talk for a couple days because she said she didn't know if she wanted to try again.
(3 October 2017)

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