Thursday, 19 October 2017

I Don’t…I Do

I DON’T… Want my pussy beat up, banged up, chewed up, spanked, pounded or grinded into the ground.Want to be so sore I cannot walk or pee without pain from scratches, bites or raw skin.Want my bod_ Gina:We talk until she goes to bed as well.(17 October 2017) Gina:Yet she’s always asking me about my day, and [...]

It's not like I'm just going to marry someone who doesn't want kids with no regard for the kind of person they are.
(16 October 2017)

Someone even said if I marry a man who doesn't want kids, that might mean he's irresponsible and probably has issues like me.
(16 October 2017)

People are telling me I'm just being bitter and selfish.
(16 October 2017)

I'm just honest with myself and self aware.
(16 October 2017)

I don't think everyone is meant to be a parent.
(16 October 2017)

I prefer to marry someone else who doesn't want kids, travel, and enjoy life for once.
(16 October 2017)

Also, financially and emotionally, it's hard enough just taking care of myself let alone anyone else.
(16 October 2017)

I also don't want to raise kids in what this world is coming to.
(16 October 2017)

I don't think I'm mentally fit to be a parent.
(16 October 2017)

I have lots of trauma and psychological issues.
(16 October 2017)

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