Tuesday 3 October 2017

Nobody Talks

Not very many talkative women on here. W. Michigan seems especially sparseToo conservative?_ Huong:But my ex goes to the same college as me, and when we bump into each other and have a little chat, I get butterflies just like old times.(3 October 2017) Huong:By all means, she s wonderful, and I enjoy the time I spend [...]

How can i make my voice stronger when talking?
(30 September 2017)

The other earlier tests say negative no faint line but today it's faint.
(30 September 2017)

Today (day ten) I took another one and the positive line is faint but visible.
(30 September 2017)

Hey I'm 31 almost 32 and my bf is 32. We had unprotected sex on the 20th so about ten days ago and I took a test a few days ago that was negative but could have been too early.
(30 September 2017)

The guy I like always looks away immediately at me when I catch him staring at me. Does he like me?
(30 September 2017)

It always happens in different areas around the school so I don't think he's looking at the clock or anything imparticular.
(30 September 2017)

It is wrong for a woman to help a man financially?
(30 September 2017)

I just like helping people but maybe it's not right for a woman to do this?
(30 September 2017)

A lot of people say that women who help men out financially have low self esteem but this isn't the case for me.
(30 September 2017)

How I should msg this girl?
(30 September 2017)

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