Last summer I had such hope,That by this time In my lifeI would have a loveAlas that is not the case.I am hopelessly aloneWith not a prospect In sight.How can I say that?I can with ease.For as much as_ Maurice:I tried getting a girlfriend and doing that lovey dovey stuff they don’t want that from me.(24 [...]
Know that I realize what he was doing I feel like I need to say something but don't know how to bring it up or what to say.
(23 October 2017)
I was so shocked by what I saw I didnt say anything and neither did he.
(23 October 2017)
There was no way it was an accident.
(23 October 2017)
He was sitting on the floor in his room and cut just over his ankle.
(23 October 2017)
I just caught my brother deliberately cutting himself with a kitchen knife.
(23 October 2017)
He also said that he couldn't see his own future either which also implies that he couldn't grasp on seeing a future with me either.
(23 October 2017)
He has a girlfriend but is still always flirting with me. What's the deal?
(23 October 2017)
It's odd tho cause I do have some feelings towards him, but nothing crazy.
(23 October 2017)
It seems like as soon as I forget about him he pops back up.
(23 October 2017)
He seems happy with his gf but he still hits me up at least every week and makes an effort to talk to me soo I don't know lol I'm just super confused.
(23 October 2017)
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