Tuesday 10 October 2017

One adventure a month …

Let’s see if I can do it! Would love to hear about yours too! I’m thinking like, weekend road trips, new restaurant, new food experiences, new positions, new places, new friends, pictures, hors_ Joane:He met up with her twice behind my back and told me he was somewhere else.(8 October 2017) Joane:I know he’s a good guy [...]

I have caught many girls looking at me or staring at me whether it was in class or the gym, but I would just think that we just caught eyes it happens all the time.
(8 October 2017)

I just don't know what to do , the way I met my ex was she was introduced to me by a friend.
(8 October 2017)

I have found out many times that a girl that i've been talking with and having a good time liked me, but I didn't make the move.
(8 October 2017)

It isn't because I am unattractive a lot of girls tell me I am good looking(I don't find my self to be the most attractive guy). But it's my confidence that's letting me down.
(8 October 2017)

It's not because I am over weight or anything, I have been working out since I was 14, I am in a really good shape and also play rugby, and do jujitsu.
(8 October 2017)

Since then I haven't been confident or feel good about my self at all, I get sad and lonely when I'm not around my friends and just by myself, usually when I would be with my girlfriend.
(8 October 2017)

My last and first girlfriend was when I was 15 we broke up over 6 months ago.
(8 October 2017)

Debating on whether to stay with my girlfriend?
(8 October 2017)

Just looking to hear other genuine opinions.
(8 October 2017)

Then again, I wasn't sure if I did even want her back to begin with.
(8 October 2017)

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