Saturday 7 October 2017

Putin about checking photos …..

…… Sexy photos of most of the sexually enhanced things you can imagine. Touching my jewels between Some typing, letter seeking words. Have t-shirt over them, giving touch & strokes, thinking about_ Kate:I don’t love him back and it was a mistake to be in a relationship with him in the first place because I’m not [...]

No one has given me a concise answer.
(4 October 2017)

And by Kurdish mothers milk I am not referring to claws milk or goats milk, just milk from freedom-loving Kurdish women that they use to feed their babies.
(4 October 2017)

In divorce, is the attorney or is the client responsible for reviewing information that the other party has given?
(4 October 2017)

During the discovery process, that is.
(4 October 2017)

Politics Do you think Clint Eastwood's son is hot?
(4 October 2017)

I wanna climb all over him and back again.
(4 October 2017)

I got a three day suspension? I'm a 18 year old senior in high school?
(4 October 2017)

When it comes to respect you must respect me no matter what I don't care if you're dying or about your feelings.
(4 October 2017)

I tried to talk them into getting rid of the punishment but they wouldn't lit up.
(4 October 2017)

I told them the reason why and they said that they'll tell her to be more nice but she didn't get punished.
(4 October 2017)

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