Sunday 8 October 2017

the red pill…

I’ll admit it, I read a lot; online, magazines, books, newspapers, I’m an information collector, generally weeding through the nonsense and learning something positive along the way. At times I will_ Azzie:I’ve gone through a temp agency to get some money in my pocket which isn’t much once I get food and other basic necessities.(5 October [...]

Am I being a baby? I don't like my Mom's boyfriend?
(5 October 2017)

My Mom defends him at all costs and agrees with everything he says or does while thinking my approach is wrong.
(5 October 2017)

I have tried talking to him via messenger and he seemed easily angered when I asked about their age difference and my concerns he went into full on Father mode scolding me and telling me what my problem is.
(5 October 2017)

My Mom says that he has changed and she hasn't seen any of that old behavior and we should give him a chance.
(5 October 2017)

At this point I refuse to meet him or be around him or let my kids be around him.
(5 October 2017)

She did, but a few weeks later decided she was too bored and resumed her dating relationship with him.
(5 October 2017)

At that point I told my Mom what I had found and asked her to reconsider a dating relationship with this guy.
(5 October 2017)

All of these charges were years ago, nothing recent.
(5 October 2017)

She gave me his full name that night and I looked him up in the public records only to find that he has 4 DUIs and had a restraining order against him from a previous girlfriend.
(5 October 2017)

But was willing to meet him and give him a chance.
(5 October 2017)

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