Thursday, 21 December 2017

Any Luck

So, with all the shy birds in the local area, it got me wondering, is anyone out there actually meeting locals for their set Meelp goals or is there more luck with the distant flirts? Have a great upc_ Renate:What were can i gat a peepa pig for dauguhter fiveteenth birthdai parti?(19 December 2017) Debrah:Is it ok [...]

I've been to a counselor before for anxiety and it helped me so much, my school counselor is really nice and I know that my friend needs it, but I don't want to make them feel worse.
(18 December 2017)

We hang out with different crowds and some of the people that my friend knows cut, and I know that they won't tell anybody.
(18 December 2017)

They trust me enough to tell me this and I don't want to hurt our friendship.
(18 December 2017)

I really want to anonymously tell somebody and get them the counseling they need, but I'm very shy and if I were to, I'm scared that my friend will know that I was the one who turned them in.
(18 December 2017)

They refused to go to the nurse because they knew that they would be referred to the school counselor.
(18 December 2017)

There were lots of cuts and they were obviously in pain.
(18 December 2017)

Today at school they told me that they cut just recently.
(18 December 2017)

My friend has been struggling with depression and sexuality issues recently.
(18 December 2017)

So I need help on how to ask her out because she has a boyfriend.
(18 December 2017)

Me and this girl and friends though.
(18 December 2017)

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