Tuesday 26 December 2017

Have You Ever…

[image]So I answered yes to nine of the ten have you ever questions posted in the image.How about you? Care to share what your yes answers are?Oh and just wondering how many of you have been paying a_ Loyce:My parents are saying they will give me $200 if I start being more talkative at school and [...]

And then when she wouldn't react how I hoped, I just kept pushing it further on top of trying to talk to her more.
(23 December 2017)

But whenever I would try talking to her I felt like I could never act like myself and that I had to put on a persona to try and impress her.
(23 December 2017)

I really wasn't trying to because I know that neediness is the ultimate turn off.
(23 December 2017)

Once I caught onto the fact that she might like me back, I think I got too attached.
(23 December 2017)

Should I warn the next girl about my physically abusive ex?
(23 December 2017)

I worry for her safety and especially her child s safety.
(23 December 2017)

I have a bad feeling in my gut considering this woman has no idea that he is physically abusive.
(23 December 2017)

He is now talking to a new girl and this girl has a young child.
(23 December 2017)

My ex was physically and emotionally abusive.
(23 December 2017)

If I sleep with 3 guys at the same time am I a slut or a whore?
(23 December 2017)

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