Friday 8 December 2017

How can you wake me up on a Monday? (New photo)

I have to honestly confess that I am not a morning person….especially not a Monday morning person….yawn But…..if you wake me up like this…I’m sure I would have a wonderful start to the day…[_ Stacia:Does this mean he still likes me?(5 December 2017) Stacia:I ended up being a bad girlfriend and cheating on him with his friend. [...]

Why does she get sensual after I lay down boundaries?
(6 December 2017)

So this laying down boundaries and assertiveness is new to me and she's totally on board..
(6 December 2017)

I usually have never been an assertive man.
(6 December 2017)

And she started to say sexual things here and there.. a tad of flirting.
(6 December 2017)

She was totally on board with it without any debating esp when I told her it's not ok for her to get nasty and insult me when she is upset.
(6 December 2017)

Today I stated in a calm but firm manner of boundaries with what I will not put up with anymore.
(6 December 2017)

A week ago she called me and it turned into an argument.
(6 December 2017)

Is it weird that i don't want to turn 15?
(6 December 2017)

I'm turning 15 later on this me it feels so old.Time has passed by so fast...
(6 December 2017)

If a guy asks you to be his girlfriend on the first date?
(6 December 2017)

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