Thursday, 14 December 2017

I love you but am not in love with you…

I love you but am not in love with you…She sat there dumb founded. Asking here self ” did he really just sat that…” A million things racing through her head. She frantically was trying to sort th_ Rosalyn:We were together all the time, yes we argued as kids do over silly things. but we always [...]

Whether you were going out or not...and if so what are some things you should bring when showering at someone else's house?
(11 December 2017)

After having sex your first time, did u shower?
(11 December 2017)

What is the answer for this?
(11 December 2017)

Why does he hate when i get attention?
(11 December 2017)

This guy is always making fun of the way i look and me being unattractive.
(11 December 2017)

Cheating OCD is driving me crazy?
(11 December 2017)

I keep telling myself that if I had done anything wrong they would already have told him....
(11 December 2017)

At the wedding I asked a friend if I had done anything wrong and she said I was just dancing with the other girl.
(11 December 2017)

Ive been obsessing about this since then and it drives me crazy.
(11 December 2017)

I'd prefer to die than having cheated on my boyfriend.
(11 December 2017)

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