Monday, 11 December 2017

Image Fairy

Such a poor fairy, used so hard![image]_ Claudine:Rude exchange student?(8 December 2017) Claudine:My parents love her though and she told me that she wants my parents to adopt her but i dont even know if that is possible .is it?(8 December 2017) Claudine:She always watches me and i even caught her watching me when i was sleeping.(8 December [...]

If a man rapes you, it means that he thinks you are attractive.
(8 December 2017)

Question about pregnancy and ovulation?
(8 December 2017)

What are the chances this other person is pregnant?
(8 December 2017)

I know that the chances of getting pregnant are slim but does doing it more than once increase my risk even more?
(8 December 2017)

Additionally, I didn't pull out all the way each time.
(8 December 2017)

I recently had sex with another person about 4 times the day after her period and each time there was no use of protection and she was not on birth control.
(8 December 2017)

So guys chose wife based mostly on her looks?
(8 December 2017)

Like she has to be perfect in his eyes physically.
(8 December 2017)

How babby is made?
(8 December 2017)

I ask because sometimes your personal life can be so stressful and emotionally unbalanced that you can't handle the stress of a job with a lot of responsibilities?
(8 December 2017)

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