Tuesday 5 December 2017

my fun friend

Off to the buffet. Did’nt realize that my friend decided to freeball it today. So sitting in the eatery area all kinds of people around and he spots this cute female sitting 2 tables over and her_ Tawanna:My parents are strict so i’m really scared of them, help please?(1 December 2017) Tawanna:My parents make me do Quran [...]

How do i tell them what goes on?
(2 December 2017)

My parents are busy working, and we haven't talked much about school yet.
(2 December 2017)

It's only them that think it's the most important thing out of hundreds of other people.
(2 December 2017)

Lots of kids have rich parents in that area,but the truth is they don't really make a huge deal.
(2 December 2017)

The teachers dealt with them once but that's it.
(2 December 2017)

All they do is brag about having everything thats designer and shun people who are lower than them.
(2 December 2017)

I'm happy with my life, and having the latest iPhone be the most expensive thing I own.
(2 December 2017)

I asked them to stop,but it goes on.
(2 December 2017)

Three girls bully me everyday because I dont dress like the Kardashian kids or live in multiple giant houses like them.
(2 December 2017)

I'm 14 from a middle class family but I go to a school from the wealthy side.
(2 December 2017)

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