Tuesday 12 December 2017

No need for pedestals

Looks fade. Beauty becomes dulled with the passage of time. Surface level attraction and lust diminish quite quickly.Most of what we find ourselves attracted to has little substance once you get beyon_ Idalia:When I was on Wattpad, this girl called me an idiot, and my friend thought it was funny.(9 December 2017) Loreen:Babysitter asks to order pizza?(9 [...]

The problem is I want to tell her how I feel but I don't know how or if I should cuz I'm afraid of ruining our friendship if she doesn't feel the same way.
(9 December 2017)

Her and her family moved out of state about 3 years ago and when they came to visit we just started talking and I've started to grow feelings for her beyond our friendship.
(9 December 2017)

OK so I've been talking to this girl that I've know since we were kids.
(9 December 2017)

Anyone else feeling lonely..?
(9 December 2017)

Most of my day is spent online and I don't know were to go out and find friends, I am 18 and just want to know where someone my age can go out and meet new people.
(9 December 2017)

At the moment I feel lonely and like there is none out there who will want me, kinda feeling depressed atm.
(9 December 2017)

Does everyone have sex all the time?
(9 December 2017)

It seems like everyone is having sex and it kind of grosses me out and makes me feel disappointed in them, especially when I hear 14-15 yr olds talking about losing their virginity or wtv in my hs So is this just the norm?
(9 December 2017)

Sort of grew up in a box, and as an asexual, I'm not interested in sex.
(9 December 2017)

There is a cheese stain in my sock.
(9 December 2017)

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