Sunday, 10 December 2017

Not new, just a revamp….

and still NOT interested in men. Especially those too cheap to read a friggin profile._ Selma:Thoughts on Kieran (Kier) Perry?(6 December 2017) Selma:So thoughts on Kieran (Kier) Perry for a first and middle name set?(6 December 2017) Selma:Looking for a name for a boy and I’ve been super drawn to Kier but I feel like although it is [...]

While I was sitting at my desk though she came in to tell me something, but did the weirdest thing.
(7 December 2017)

So she was working on something in my office . . . on my computer . . . when I was supposed to be working. 30 seconds didn t even pass and my boss forced her to get off, so everything went back to normal.
(7 December 2017)

Well this week is a big week because all of the departments have to work together.
(7 December 2017)

She works in a different department so we just simply stay away from each other.
(7 December 2017)

I have a co worker and we both know we don t like each other much, but it isn t a big deal seeing as how we are mature about it.
(7 December 2017)

Should i wait to talk to her?
(7 December 2017)

Could she be afraid to hurt me, afraid to have feelings for me.i have not talked and given her space, ideas?
(7 December 2017)

We are still friends on face book and snapchat, but i never hear from her really.
(7 December 2017)

Now, im so confused on what i did. i didnt blow up her phone, i did everything i thought was right.
(7 December 2017)

Even when i said happy birthday to her, i had to say your welcome to get her to respond.
(7 December 2017)

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