Thursday 28 December 2017

Rise Above It

Life is full of light and heavy moments.Some experiences lift us off our feet, while others seem to weigh us down. I think we’ve all felt the feeling of floating through several days with little resis_ Alica:But I can t cry no matter how hard I try.(27 December 2017) Alica:I have so many emotions bottled up inside [...]

I just turned 17 recently and I am a boy.
(26 December 2017)

Are you a lucky person?
(26 December 2017)

Confusing signals from a girl?
(26 December 2017)

Can a girl shed some light into this?
(26 December 2017)

She won't actively make plans with me and is super wishy washy about dates.
(26 December 2017)

Sometime she will be super interested in everything I'm doing, then she won't respond to my texts for a couple days.
(26 December 2017)

But when we are not together, she super weird.
(26 December 2017)

Physically besides hooking up, she holds my hand, gives tight lingering hugs, and she initiates kisses.
(26 December 2017)

We have a lot of fun, but we also have these deep meaningful conversations where she shares everything.
(26 December 2017)

And when we are together, she gives all the cues that she is interested.
(26 December 2017)

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