Saturday 30 December 2017

…Sometimes Love Can Find A Way

I was pondering the love that I have felt in my life.Bearing in mind that I only have control over my emotions and no one else’s,I’ve had a lot of love for the people who have come into and ou_ Yolande:Im trying to prove them wrong that I want full freedom for myself and no difficulties [...]

My family and his family are both really close so a few days ago we had his family over for a Christmas party.
(28 December 2017)

So im a girl me and my best friend who is a boy are both 13 years old and have been friends for about 7 years and we are very close.
(28 December 2017)

Very Nervous. Sometimes I get anxiety. How to cope?
(28 December 2017)

I don't want it to be awk in any way.
(28 December 2017)

I am thinking of all the bad outcomes such as what if they hate me.
(28 December 2017)

I am just nervous that everything is going to be bad.
(28 December 2017)

I am very nervous since i will be with my coworker and his friends who I never met before.
(28 December 2017)

Why do coworkers think I m trying to come on to a married man?
(28 December 2017)

Turn on for a guy while making out?
(28 December 2017)

Am i considered a wimpy and feminine guy if i care too much about hurting a women's feelings through sexual compliments?
(28 December 2017)

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