Saturday 30 December 2017

Sue Denim

.[image].Ring out the bells of St. Clement’s and cc the bells of Stepney.A right recording ruckus has erupted, involving orange juice oraliser, Rita “Kia” Ora and lemonade lover, BeyoncĂ©.Fans of Mrs._ Roseanna:Is there a way to get this guy to contact me?(29 December 2017) Roseanna:I know it’s a long shot, I just really like him and would [...]

I told him okay, but that I was feeling discouraged.
(27 December 2017)

A couple weeks later he texted me asking how things were going.
(27 December 2017)

He gave me his number to call him and was really encouraging.
(27 December 2017)

I started college this year and was struggling adjusting so emailed him asking for his advice.
(27 December 2017)

We got along really well and he always made me laugh.
(27 December 2017)

When I was in high school, I was pretty close to one of my teachers.
(27 December 2017)

Is This a coincidence?? (Read details)?
(27 December 2017)

Is this the universe telling us we are destined to be together?
(27 December 2017)

Is It a coincidence that my crush and I are both the same age, went to the same Highschool and middle school together, and are from the exact same country, island, town and city, and are currently living in the same city?
(27 December 2017)

Boyfriend doesn't like kissing me?
(27 December 2017)

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