Tuesday 5 December 2017

The perfect couple

She led me to the table blindfolded and laid me on it. She stepped back and her husband entered the room, he started to massage me working my neck and shoulders, easing my muscles and working lower, b_ Masako:I tell my guy best friend sometimes when he brings it up about my ex bf?(1 December 2017) Elli:Do [...]

To anyone familiar with Bulgarian adoption laws, is this true?
(3 December 2017)

I was doing research the other day, and a website told me that in Bulgaria, single men and women can adopt children of either gender.
(3 December 2017)

Can my stepmom kick me out of the house if i am underage (im 17 and she owns the house)?
(3 December 2017)

I do not turn 18 until september but can she kick me out with no place to go seeing as how her and my dad are my legal guardians?
(3 December 2017)

We have all constantly been arguing and she finally wants me out.
(3 December 2017)

Me, my dad and stepmom live together.
(3 December 2017)

Re-send online Amazon gift card?
(3 December 2017)

My cousin told me to give it to someone else since I don't want it though I thanked him for the token.
(3 December 2017)

So my friend sent me a 25 dollar online Amazon gift card for my birthday but I don't want it but my other friend does, how do I send it to his email?
(3 December 2017)

Am I being unfair or is my friend being unfair?
(3 December 2017)

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