Sunday, 31 December 2017

Tick Warning

TICK WARNING! I hate it when people post bogus warnings, but this one is real. If someone comes to your front door saying they are checking for ticks due to the warm weather and asks you to take your_ Daina:I just felt so bad and she has hurt me so much, basically ruined my life, i [...]

They call me things because I won't help them out with specific things that I just don't want to get involved with.
(28 December 2017)

They get pissed at me when I say I have to leave early because I have work the next morning sometimes.
(28 December 2017)

Let me explain one of them brings weed and bowls into my truck when I tell him not too and he will actually lie and say he has nothing on him until later.
(28 December 2017)

My friends have been going off on me and saying things like I'm paranoid, stingy, and all of these other things and that it's pissing them off.
(28 December 2017)

This girl likes me, I told her I'm straight already she keeps texting me and I told her to give me space and she won't listen. Read details?
(28 December 2017)

She told me she sees me as more than a friend and that she is attracted to me but I'm really unsure what to do.
(28 December 2017)

She keeps asking me who I like so I told her I like this guy but I made it up so she can back off.
(28 December 2017)

I told her I would like to stay as friends and she can't listen.
(28 December 2017)

So we started as friends she wants more.
(28 December 2017)

I want to name my daughter Purity, but my husband doesn't like it. What do you think?
(28 December 2017)

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