Sunday 31 December 2017

Why do so many straight women prefer penetration to oral sex?

Why do straight women prefer penetration, while lesbians overwhelmingly prefer oral sex?While 55 percent of straight women preferred penetration, just 25 percent of lesbian viewers felt the same. Thi_ Elicia:His is starting to upset me, her behavior…and my husband feels like he has to talk to her because he is one of the mangers there.(30 December [...]

I've Had My Mirena For About 3yrs Now . I've Always Had My Period Every Month...This Month(Beginning of the month) I Didn't Have One I Did Get Mild Spotting Only After I Wiped It Last A Few Days But Now It Has Came Back . Could It Be Pregnancy?
(28 December 2017)

I am 15 and my close guy friend wants to have sex?
(28 December 2017)

Personally I still feel like a little girl and totally unready, but at the same time it sounds like fun...... what should I do?
(28 December 2017)

We aren't even dating, although he says he is in love with me this has been going on for multiple months though so I dont know.
(28 December 2017)

Do girls like short or medium hair on Guys?
(28 December 2017)

I noticed girls look at me more now.
(28 December 2017)

I usually buzz it or wear a beanie but recently it got long and I just started pushing it up.
(28 December 2017)

How do you live, when you constantly keep thinking about your deceased girlfriend) the past (she died 3 years ago),?
(28 December 2017)

I think I got too wrapped up in the Bible.
(28 December 2017)

Is it normal to have intimacy slow down?
(28 December 2017)

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