Sunday 17 December 2017


All I wanna do is find someone who wants to hang out for a weekend. No pressure…Smoke some, watch movies, go to the park, if weather permits. Whatever we wanna do and it not be a weekend based solel_ Jazmin:I like old fashioned boys names but I’m having a hard time falling in love with any.(14 [...]

Or I'll look up while doing work, and she'll have been looking at me out of the corner of her eye, and immediately look back down as soon as I catch her, and start playing with her hair.
(14 December 2017)

Occasionally in class she'll scan looking around the room, and I can see her lingering on me for a few seconds out of the corner of my eye.
(14 December 2017)

Now this year she's in one of my classes again, and I've noticed her looking at me at different times recently.
(14 December 2017)

Now I haven't talked to her in quite a while, maybe over a year or so, because I haven't had classes with her.
(14 December 2017)

There's this girl I used to talk to occasionally, we were never friends or anything like that, just acquaintances.
(14 December 2017)

Ladies I Have A Pregnancy QUESTION!!!!?
(14 December 2017)

Basically could I end up pregnant since it happened a couple days before my ovulation day?
(14 December 2017)

So I want to know could I get pregnant after ovulation or before ovulation?
(14 December 2017)

Okay so me and my boyfriend had sex on Tuesday, he did ejaculate in me , and I was 3 days away from ovulating, basically tomorrow I will ovulate.
(14 December 2017)

Could guys and men not like me (a woman) coz of my big nose?
(14 December 2017)

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