Friday 26 January 2018

Finding Him Via Google Voice Search

I am still searching.I am still looking.I am still hopefulThat he is Out there somewhere.Who is he that I seek?Oh if only I knew!I would be so much better offI would have coordinatesTo Google voice se_ Gertrude:I like this guy and hung out with him sunday night to monday morning (slept over). Then he hasn’t been [...]

Just want to know if I'm overreacting by being worried.
(22 January 2018)

Help I am a screw up?
(22 January 2018)

I feel bad because I don't want to hurt my family.
(22 January 2018)

Because I don't have to worry about being scared about failing not being successful or about my rude cousins or bullies.
(22 January 2018)

I feel like killing myself will will so peaceful.
(22 January 2018)

My grandma is not responsible she still hasn't bought a house and its been 1 year and half.
(22 January 2018)

They call me horrible names, I hate them.
(22 January 2018)

Me and my grandma, I don't have anywhere else to go to, so we are forced to live with my rude cousins.
(22 January 2018)

I have bad grades because I am not motivated to do my work I'm always tired.
(22 January 2018)

I been missing a lot of school, cause people bully me.
(22 January 2018)

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