Monday 1 January 2018

Had to repost…

You have taken me by surprise. I have looked into those beautiful eyes that twinkle and light up when you are tickled, when you make me squirm, when you are picking at me, and when you smile. Easy to_ Slyvia:She said to me isn’t marriage about doing stuff like that together.(31 December 2017) Slyvia:She really wants to [...]

Do you want a kick it after school?
(29 December 2017)

But I just wanna know if anyone has experienced this and turned out to be pregnant.
(29 December 2017)

Im gonna take a test just to be on the safe side.
(29 December 2017)

This morning, I was gagging and still having some nauseousness.
(29 December 2017)

I have been extremely tired and lately really nauseous.
(29 December 2017)

And it lasted the usual 5-6 days.
(29 December 2017)

So about a week or so before getting my Dec period I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend.
(29 December 2017)

Pregnancy question...again?
(29 December 2017)

Last time I posted I was told my days were off.
(29 December 2017)

Please help me figure out why i'm emotionally numb to my boyfriend?
(29 December 2017)

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