Sunday 14 January 2018


Easy is an adjective to describe a woman with the sexual morals of a man_ Kendall:And so i went back to my old job.(11 January 2018) Kendall:And so i left and worked at this new place for almost a year but i got injured.(11 January 2018) Kendall:Well we were friends like i was with everyone else at my [...]

My girlfriend is fatter than i thought?
(11 January 2018)

I'm noticing that she's pretty fat.
(11 January 2018)

I just saw her driver's license and she's 5'2 and weighs 160 pounds.
(11 January 2018)

I thought maybe she could lose 10 pounds.
(11 January 2018)

When i was getting to know her she was wearing a lot of sweatshirts and baggy clothes and whatnot and i didn't realize how fat she was.
(11 January 2018)

How to go back in time and get pregnant all of them?
(11 January 2018)

Have you had sex with more than one person?
(11 January 2018)

If I leave for a week for vacation will my new romance lose momentum?
(11 January 2018)

I'm worried taking off for a week could hinder our blossoming romance.
(11 January 2018)

Me & new guy have been on two dates so far & everything feels new and amazing.
(11 January 2018)

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