Friday 5 January 2018

South Carolina and Transgendered Bathrooms

There is a South Carolina legislator pushing for similar restrictions on transgender a using bathrooms they identify with. Many of lobbyist are pushing to kill such legislation, as it will kill jobs i_ Ping:Do i have to go?(1 January 2018) Ping:My inlaws and husband go to PA on Friday and come.back on Sunday from Indian.(1 January 2018) Takako:Want [...]

How to comfort 6 month old daughter? Tried all my wife's techniques and nothing is working?
(2 January 2018)

What are some other tips I can try?
(2 January 2018)

What could I do to make my daughter more comfortable with me?
(2 January 2018)

She will calm down and be happy as clam when my wife is home and settle into her arms and breastfeed the whole night if my wife let her.
(2 January 2018)

When my mother-in-law comes sometimes my daughter is ok with her and will respond a bit better to her, but still isn't happy until my wife comes home.
(2 January 2018)

I never had this problem with my son and he is ok with my wife being gone and coming back later.
(2 January 2018)

I try taking her for fresh air and car rides, but she just cries and cries until my wife comes home.
(2 January 2018)

She is breastfed and my wife pumps milk and puts it in a bottle and when I try to feed her she won't accept it.
(2 January 2018)

I try everything my wife does that works for her when she is upset...I walk with her, rock her, sing to her, shush in her ear, but she doesn't want any part of it.
(2 January 2018)

I work the night shift and once I've slept for a few hours I take over for the sitter and take care of my daughter.
(2 January 2018)

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