Tuesday 16 January 2018

Stupid Girl

The person who took these photos of me. I met from Tinder. When I told him I wasn’t interested in him. He threaten to call the cops on me, because he convinced himself that I’m underage. My life is a_ Sandi:A guy that I’m friends with wants to hang out with me often but I feel [...]

Does it look like blood and vessels?
(13 January 2018)

My boyfriend says that he isn't cold, so could I be pregnant, or is this mist likely a bug going around?
(13 January 2018)

I am experiencing minor headaches that just linger and I feel a little but nauseated, I'm so emotional and moody.
(13 January 2018)

When boyfriend and I had sex we did sstart without condom, then put on on after a few mins to be safe.
(13 January 2018)

My period is about a week later.
(13 January 2018)

What should I do, guys :(?
(13 January 2018)

Can you guess any reason for his behaviour?
(13 January 2018)

I don't understand.. he knows that I respect and like him and that I chosed him even if he's not famous and well known.Is it possible that he forgot or he just doesn't wanna call me?
(13 January 2018)

He haven't called and I heard he was there yesterday.
(13 January 2018)

When I called him after one week he said he won't go to the clinic and that he will call me after Christmas.
(13 January 2018)

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