Sunday, 25 February 2018

3 day memorial weekend

Start of a wild weekend … Whats your sexy plans ? Partys , places , gatherings or just chillin ._ Tenisha:All she seems to do is look for jobs for a couple hours, and spend the rest of the day distressing, until I get home and ask her to help me doing the dishes or such.(23 [...]

How to get friend to show her boobs?
(22 February 2018)

How can I ask her to show me her boobs?
(22 February 2018)

She has the nicest boobs and I really want to see them.
(22 February 2018)

We're not together, but really close friends.
(22 February 2018)

Is 6 ft tall enough height a guy to date a woman who is 5 ft 7' or 5'8?
(22 February 2018)

I like tall athletic girls while I'm 6ft with normal body who is planning to workout.
(22 February 2018)

Or is it likely that women at those height would want men who are taller than 6ft with more athletic body?
(22 February 2018)

Is it bad to have no friends of the opposite gender?
(22 February 2018)

All of my close friends (not acquaintances) are the same gender as me.
(22 February 2018)

Should I continue text or let her contact me?
(22 February 2018)

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