Thursday, 15 February 2018

A pathway to US

You are my Forbidden desireMy acheThat longs To feelYour touchAloneYouCompleteMeLike no other_ Kyra:Ladies what is the worst part of labor and delivery?(10 February 2018) Kyra:I’ve heard it’s not the actual delivery or the pushing but it’s actually the intensity of the contractions as they get stronger and last longer with shorter breaks in between.(10 February 2018) Tamela:My 15 [...]

She rigged the Democratic Primaries, and paid foreigners to create the Russian dossier and fee the FBI unreliable information whilst leaking the same unsubstantiated information to fake news outlets.
(11 February 2018)

Why'd my friend end our snap streak?
(11 February 2018)

Hi i am talking with a some girls on tinder how to continue the conversation?
(11 February 2018)

He keeps on telling me he does not understand why I am hurt or sad or mad and keeps in asking questions about the situation that I have already answered and I end up apologizing thinking it's my fault that he does not even understand me means I am wrong.
(11 February 2018)

Now maybe he is right, but it happens everytime.
(11 February 2018)

He is asking me questions to get me tangled in my own feelings and words so that he somehow prove me to be a liar and wins the argument.
(11 February 2018)

He just wants me to be sorry instead of being sorry to me.
(11 February 2018)

But everytime we talk, he says he does not even understand it.
(11 February 2018)

I have been telling him for weeks.
(11 February 2018)

Now he says that he does not even understand why I am even hurt.
(11 February 2018)

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