How’s that for a title? I’m sure a few clicked on this blog just because of it. Good. I am an attention whore. I like to read others thoughts, and I read others blogs on here all the time. I like to l_ Augusta:To conclude, her being so easy is creeping me out and i dont [...]
This was my first time having sex in about 7 months and it has been 3 days since and I have been cramping and having mild breast pain, both which have came and gone since I ve been on the depo.
(13 February 2018)
I had unprotected sex on the 10th of Feburary and recieved my last depo shot on December 28th, all of my shots have always been on time.
(13 February 2018)
I have been on the depo shot for a year now, and my side effects from it have mimicked the sysmtops of pregancy since my first shot.
(13 February 2018)
Why do I always feel like this?
(13 February 2018)
Things are really hard right now and I feel like I'm nobody everyday I wake up.
(13 February 2018)
I've already tried counseling but I wanna try again but ask you guys what to do before that.
(13 February 2018)
Every single night I stay up crying because of him and sometimes no reason at all.
(13 February 2018)
He calls me a pussy if I cry when he hits me.
(13 February 2018)
He always grounds me no matter how good my grades are. (Grounded rn actually) and he punches me and breaks things when he gets mad at me for literally no reason.
(13 February 2018)
He's been around for a couple of years now.
(13 February 2018)
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