Sunday 11 February 2018

{\//}¤{\//}ent*z C(U)){\//} …\8 {\//}¤{\//}ent*z GGGGo /8

GGGGo 0/\/////////////// ~&~ 0/\////////////// ღ.[image1].FcKing till We’re SoaKeD .[image2].FcKing to thePoint of Dehydration & Fatigue..[image3].Rest…//-/eaLReJuvanate..[image4].FcKing TiLL ][T_ Shanika:In the past, I did not tell my male tenant that usually I work late and he always came back from work very late.(6 February 2018) Velda:But I just can t go around now telling her sweet words anymore, that [...]

Sometime back, I went to this event which at the time seemed to be against my better judgement.
(7 February 2018)

Best way to spend money?
(7 February 2018)

I want to get this girl chocolates but don't know her address?
(7 February 2018)

Should I ask her for address or should I look it up on google maps or is that too weird?
(7 February 2018)

I know where she lives because I had to pick her up and drop her off I just know how to get there.
(7 February 2018)

So I was gonna order her chocolates online and have them delivered to her house.
(7 February 2018)

I was gonna order this girl that I am friends with but we both like each other but we are not dating because she is waiting for me to make the first move.
(7 February 2018)

My dad is pushing me to do something I don't want to do.?
(7 February 2018)

Someone please help me on how to deal with this.
(7 February 2018)

I don't like mma, but I don't want to hurt his feelings.
(7 February 2018)

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