Tuesday 6 February 2018

I Wanna Live In Your Socks So I Can Be With You Every Step Of The Way.

I Wanna Live In Your Socks So I Can Be With You Every Step Of The Way._ Johnnie:Before we moved my mother got arrested for selling drugs. 3 months later he moved back to Indiana without even asking us to come with him.(31 January 2018) Johnnie:I am 16 years old and my dad took me to Arizona [...]

Do you think it's weird for a guy (who you're not dating' ) straight up ask you to come over for sex? do guys feel odd doing so?
(3 February 2018)

How do guys not feel gross doing so,and why does he keep going after me in particular?
(3 February 2018)

Most guys will charm you to their house or say ''let's cuddle'' or whatever stupid line they use without saying sex, then seduce you into into it...but let's say a guy just says ''wanna hook up'' and does it repeatedly after you saying no...isn't it odd?
(3 February 2018)

When does ovulation take place? Fertile days help! Helppppp!!!!!?
(3 February 2018)

And the fertile period lasts for like 5 days because the sperm can live for like 5 6 days.
(3 February 2018)

Sometimes its a 26 day long cycle, sometimes 25, sometimes 28. Okay so i know ovulation takes place like on day 14 of the cycle.
(3 February 2018)

Ok i know this is for women who have a regular mentrual cycle.
(3 February 2018)

When does ovulation actually take place?
(3 February 2018)

Is it usual to feel like this?
(3 February 2018)

What to do about my family driving me absolutely insane?
(3 February 2018)

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