Sunday 18 February 2018

Poems for Blissful Moments: Sunday, AM

I slip out of the rustle of sheets to greet a clouded vision of my Sleeping Beauty through the lust of clouded eyes. I come for her from the bottom up, lying between her supple spread,laying there wit_ Margarette:They all just kinda forget I exist until I do something wrong, then I suddenly become the scum [...]

So we both work together and now we both have fallen for each other and he doesn't want to hurt me either.
(13 February 2018)

Men's opinions on this guy please? Does he just see me as a friend, or he likes me?
(13 February 2018)

We never had anything physical, slept in our own beds etc. on the trip..but I had in my profile that I am not into casual stuff so he was being a gent.
(13 February 2018)

Do you think he just sees me as a friend or more?
(13 February 2018)

We've kept in touch every week or so, I'll message and he always replies saying my photos look good plus he sent me a photo of himself with a guy friend.
(13 February 2018)

He was the first to contact 2 days later with photos, his news and hoping I was ok.
(13 February 2018)

He was showing me photos on his computer towards the end of the trip and about one photo of him and a girl he said 'oh, that was my ex'. On parting, he said: See you in your country (we live in different countries) and I said: Keep in touch.
(13 February 2018)

Nothing physical happened..I had stated in my bio that I'm not into casual and he had split from ex girl a year previously (12 yr. relationship). Got on great, he mentioned the ex a couple of times in passing, but didn't go on about her.
(13 February 2018)

I accepted an invite to travel with this guy for a week.
(13 February 2018)

First Kiss on Valentines?
(13 February 2018)

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