Tuesday 27 February 2018


Well, this latest meeting wasn’t all I’d hoped, but it could have been worse too. The guy was nice, not exactly what I expected since he was heavier than his picture and description led to bel_ Santana:I love him so much but I can’t stand the thought that I may never get over him and spend [...]

He Talks To Me Differently Than Everyone Else, But He Doesn't Make Any Obvious Advances.
(23 February 2018)

I'm Just Not Sure How To Go About This The Adult Way, He Always Eye balls My Chest And Rear Area.
(23 February 2018)

It Is Not Something I Would Ever Make A Move On, Considering His Teaching Career Would Be In Danger As Well As His Life And Reputation.
(23 February 2018)

I Am A 19 Year Old Senior, I Think My Male Teacher Has Been Flirting With Me, Not Super Obvious But Enough For Me To Question It.
(23 February 2018)

My boyfriend wants to have threesome and i really don't even the idea of it makes me cry?
(23 February 2018)

When i asked him if he would be fine if there were 2 boys and me he said no . I really dont know what to do i am scared if i dont do it he will always think about it and eventually cheat on me.
(23 February 2018)

But he always finds a way to talk about it sometimes he jokingly says lets do it.
(23 February 2018)

He said it is something that he wants to try but it is fine if I dont want it.
(23 February 2018)

He brings this subject up every week and I told him i am not comfortable with it.
(23 February 2018)

I want you to play with my ding a ling?
(23 February 2018)

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