Monday 12 February 2018

whats the biggest age difference between you and a sexual partner??

I’ve been seeing a man faithfully for 3 years.. once every couple months for playtime he’s 81and a great lover_ Cameron:I am confident i can have friends one day, if i meet like minded individuals, and its not like i cant talk to women, but i have zero experience with relationships, so i have no clue [...]

She give me attitude lately and is lazy.
(8 February 2018)

She is starting puberty and lately here she struggles to get up in the morning and school starts at 745am and dismisses at 215pm.
(8 February 2018)

I told her to hurry up and get dressed because we are not going to be late for school today.
(8 February 2018)

She threw a tantrum , she slapped me, and kicked me.
(8 February 2018)

I asked her to do something very simple and she refused.
(8 February 2018)

How important is attraction when selecting a potential lover for a female?
(8 February 2018)

Why do girls use iPhones?
(8 February 2018)

It seems like mostly girls and celebrities have iPhones.
(8 February 2018)

My boyfriend and brother have a band only one member uses an iphone the rest use Android or Samsung.
(8 February 2018)

I use an ipod for music but I hate Apple.
(8 February 2018)

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