Friday 23 February 2018

When do you change your mind?

I’m always fascinated with the process of things. Have been since I was a very young kid watching TV shows about how machines are made, or reading the encyclopedia for information or even people watc_ Grisel:Also, many of these kids are screwed over by drugs and underage pregnancies.(20 February 2018) Grisel:Many of them end up in prison [...]

I know my existance does not even matter to him.then what's the point of unfriending me.
(19 February 2018)

But anyway after our break up everything was fine we never talked we just had each other added on social media.
(19 February 2018)

He just used to come home at nights.
(19 February 2018)

We rarely had gone on actual dates.
(19 February 2018)

The reason I broke up with him was cz he wanted to have sex, and I think he just never loved me all he wanted was sex.
(19 February 2018)

But I am still in love with him.
(19 February 2018)

Like we just dated for like a week.
(19 February 2018)

Should men wear depends undergarments?
(19 February 2018)

Guys would you prefer to have all girls all over you for financial security or only one girl but because she loves you?
(19 February 2018)

I would personally prefer the latter.
(19 February 2018)

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