Thursday 29 March 2018

best present

to u, u know who u present, of u, jerking into that cam, moaning my name as you cum. gosh you are hot._ Laila:She never got back to me about when she was available and then I didn’t see her for a week.(27 March 2018) Laila:I asked her out on a date and she was super [...]

My mouse likes to stomp loudly, is there a reason why she does it?
(25 March 2018)

Should brothers have close relationship?
(25 March 2018)

Shouldn't brothers have close relationships and doesn't it sound like he don't want to connect with me?
(25 March 2018)

He never will tell me anything about his work or life and doesn't care about mine.
(25 March 2018)

My brother never tells me when he is coming and never asked me to stop at his apartment 5 hours away.
(25 March 2018)

My mom passed away 2 years ago and I am living in her house now.
(25 March 2018)

About 4 years ago he started visiting us on holidays.
(25 March 2018)

My brother never contacted my mom my other brother and me for 20 years.
(25 March 2018)

Is this a fake friend should i go away from her?
(25 March 2018)

Why would he keep my phone number?
(25 March 2018)

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