Friday 9 March 2018

FuckBuddy v Friend with Benefits

I have spent the last few weeks chatting with people about what they are looking for on here and it seems most of people want a fuckbuddy rather than a friend with benefits……yes, there you have i_ Sheron:I even got her a gift for valentines, I buy her food sometimes as well, like 3 times a [...]

I don't know what to do, everything I see reminds me that I'm about to just lose a family member forever.
(5 March 2018)

My dad talks like I'll live with him but then what about my mom?
(5 March 2018)

I want him to experience everything too.
(5 March 2018)

My mom talks about our future like I'll live with her, which is great, but what about my dad?
(5 March 2018)

I can't imagine doing things and having a whole life with one of them only seeing it through pictures until one day they die and that's it.
(5 March 2018)

I want to be close to both of them.
(5 March 2018)

The plan was always for me to go to college and we all still live together until I feel like moving out, but even then I had no plans to LEAVE.
(5 March 2018)

We were always a pretty close nit family in that we never talked about NOT spending our future when I'm an adult together.
(5 March 2018)

I can't bear the thought of going on with life without one of them.
(5 March 2018)

Does anyone know what this is???
(5 March 2018)

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