Friday 9 March 2018

Is it attractive or cheating……

To have many back up Blog profiles on this site….so that when you get kicked off for abuse, you have another one already up and running, with the same pics so that everyone knows it is the same pers_ Myong:He had long ago told me she was a gossip so I was shocked he even told [...]

Normally this happens when a couple has an only child who is a daughter and the daughter doesn't want her father's name to shall we say die out because he never had a son.
(5 March 2018)

Marriage Question: In Marriage, men taking women's surname is that looked down upon or not?
(5 March 2018)

Why are liberals celebrating and making jokes about impoverished white children in South Africa being hacked up with machetes by blacks?
(5 March 2018)

Are these people truly irredeemable?
(5 March 2018)

What was the name of the tv show about a blonde girl who was dead. she was given a sticky note with a name on it?
(5 March 2018)

Death might have been in the title.
(5 March 2018)

What would you do if you catch your loved one cheating?
(5 March 2018)

Work Stress or Not Interested or What?
(5 March 2018)

The whole relationship in general doesn't feel exciting or authentic he just switches things up to how work is and what not.
(5 March 2018)

He hasn't asked anything about what I want to do or talked sexual or anything for when I get there.
(5 March 2018)

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