Monday 19 March 2018

Story for your pleasure

this is the first part of a much larger story please tell me what you thinkMy name is Nat and this is the story of how I came to live at 22 victory close.When I look back now at how I used to be befor_ Barbie:I am 18. We rent a room at his parents place.(14 [...]

I know I shouldn't care but I do, I can't understand how people can appear so genuine and fake being so into you can put so much value in someone while they don't give a damn about you.
(14 March 2018)

He's not even tried to talk to me via the means he still has (he could still contact my via text or email), also being a fool I checked his Facebook profile via a friends account to see him posting stuff like he's not got a care in the world.
(14 March 2018)

I ended it and then blocked him across social media.
(14 March 2018)

I was dating a guy, caught feelings and put a lot into trying to make things work while he was struggling with personal issues...then I find out he was on a dating app.
(14 March 2018)

1.5 year old pees out of diapers at night. Out of options?
(14 March 2018)

Has anyone ran into this issue or have an ideas or suggestions for this problem?
(14 March 2018)

He is also not quiet ready for potty training so that is also not an option.
(14 March 2018)

I am running out of options with him and can't change him in the middle of the night or he's wide awake and will not go back to sleep at all.
(14 March 2018)

My son pees out of every brand of diapers at night, even overnight diapers, and now pull ups as well.
(14 March 2018)

How big is too big for an age gap?
(14 March 2018)

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