Wednesday 7 March 2018


When do You realize that You need bigger clothes..Are they not embarrassed??? What is Your thought..opinion???_ Soila:What is a good excuse to postpone a meeting?(27 February 2018) Soila:The problem is he is going to be here in 12 days.. And he will stay for 3 months before he leaves again.(27 February 2018) Soila:Get some clothes because nothing fits [...]

I had also been leaving the ends of bottles and giving him the rest when he would wake.
(3 March 2018)

I just read online that you add the formula to the boiled water and then leave it cool and you don't use milk past 2 hours old.
(3 March 2018)

He's 11 days old and he has vomited twice in that time and I got curious and looked up about his feeding habits.
(3 March 2018)

My mom was supposed to help me with taking care of my newborn as I haven't really a clue what I'm doing.
(3 March 2018)

Is it racist and brainwashed to not be attracted to a certain race of women(Black women and Aborginal Australian woman)?
(3 March 2018)

My White gjrlfriend is very sweet, cool, funny, random, and supporting of me.
(3 March 2018)

I care about a woman's personality first.
(3 March 2018)

They also say I fetishize White women.
(3 March 2018)

I always get called racist and brainwashed cuz my girlfriend is pasty White.
(3 March 2018)

But I mainly like White and Mexican women.
(3 March 2018)

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