Wednesday 14 March 2018

Who loves skinny dipping

Up here in the northeast we can only do that during the summer. I might just as well enjoy it as I can._ Zola:Are Anniversaries only for the couple?(7 March 2018) Zola:Some say it’s between the couple while others seem to have parties or friends and relatives send cards.(7 March 2018) Zola:Recently had our 30th and it was [...]

I just feel as tho i am not ready and yes i realize it is my fault for being irresponsible.
(9 March 2018)

I am in love with him and also want to take into consideration what he wants.
(9 March 2018)

Im afraid he will leave me if i do not keep it since thats basically what he has said and i need his support more than ever i dont want to go threw it alone and lose him as well.
(9 March 2018)

He has a good paying job and would be able to support us but i stilk would not want to risk it if something were to happen i would want to be able to support me and the child on my own.
(9 March 2018)

I have a job but not a good paying one, and live with my parents still.
(9 March 2018)

Ive been feeling so upset because i feel i am not ready for a child and he really wants this baby and is against abortion.
(9 March 2018)

We disagree alot (not really fight or argue) and he always likes to act like he knows best and it puts me down.
(9 March 2018)

Ive been with my boyfriend for 3 months and i am 6 weeks pregnant.
(9 March 2018)

Do you laugh uproariously when ur question is deleted cuz that means u hurt a Level 7's feefees by speaking the TRUTH?
(9 March 2018)

She said he's so adorable and cute.
(9 March 2018)

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